Zimbra Collaboration includes the Zimbra MTA, the Zimbra LDAP server, and the Zimbra mailbox server. In a single-server installation, all components are installed on one server and require no additional manual configuration.
As of the end of 2023, Zimbra officially no longer produces binary installers for the Open Source Edition. The last version of Zimbra Open Source Edition was Zimbra version 8.8.15.
The process above is certainly not as easy as the patch process directly from the official Zimbra. The patch process from the official Zimbra is simply running the apt update command (Ubuntu) or yum/dnf update (Redhat family). This process can be done when using Zimbra Network Edition.
o, for those who want to migrate/upgrade from Zimbra OSE to Zimbra NE, here are the installation procedures for Zimbra 10 (Daffodil) Network Edition.
In this article, I use Rocky Linux 8 as the OS for Zimbra NE.
# System Information
The following is the system information that will be created. Please adjust it to your needs.
IP Address : Domain : imanudin.web.id Hostname : mail
# Configure /etc/hosts and hostname
Edit the /etc/hosts file and adjust it as per the following lines. localhost mail.imanudin.web.id mail
Run the following command to configure the hostname.
hostnamectl set-hostname mail.imanudin.web.id
# Disable Selinux & Firewall
Run the following command
sed -i s/'SELINUX='/'#SELINUX='/g /etc/selinux/config echo 'SELINUX=disabled' >> /etc/selinux/config setenforce 0 service firewalld stop service iptables stop service ip6tables stop systemctl disable firewalld systemctl disable iptables systemctl disable ip6tables
# Disable Sendmail or Postfix service (if any)
Run the following command
systemctl disable --now sendmail systemctl disable --now postfix
# Update repo and install dependencies
Install EPEL repo
yum update yum install epel-release
Install dependencies
yum update -y yum upgrade -y yum -y install perl perl-core wget screen tar openssh-clients openssh-server dnsmasq bind-utils unzip nmap sed nc sysstat libaio rsync telnet aspell net-tools rsyslog
# Setup DNS lokal
Here I am using DNSMasq
vi /etc/dnsmasq.conf
Add the following line at the bottom of the line
server= mx-host=imanudin.web.id,mail.imanudin.web.id,10 host-record=imanudin.web.id, host-record=mail.imanudin.web.id,
Restart service dnsmasq
systemctl enable --now dnsmasq systemctl restart dnsmasq
# Configure the file /etc/resolv.conf
Open the /etc/resolv.conf file and adjust it as follows.
nameserver nameserver nameserver search imanudin.web.id
Testing DNS
host -t MX imanudin.web.id host -t A mail.imanudin.web.id
The results will be more or less as follows
root@mail:~# host -t MX imanudin.web.id imanudin.web.id mail is handled by 10 mail.imanudin.web.id. root@mail:~# host -t A mail.imanudin.web.id mail.imanudin.web.id has address
# Download Zimbra 10 Network Edition
cd /opt/ wget -c https://files.zimbra.com/downloads/10.0.0_GA/zcs-NETWORK-10.0.0_GA_4518.RHEL8_64.20230301065514.tgz
Don’t forget to fill out the form here: https://www.zimbra.com/connect/forms/?form=trial-license to get a trial license (50 accounts for 60 days). The license will be sent to the email registered when filling out the form.
Save the license file in the /opt/ folder. Assume the license file name is ZCSLicense.xml
# Extract and install Zimbra 10 NE
Before performing the installation process, run the “screen” command first so that the process runs in the background process. If we perform the installation remotely (via SSH for example) and suddenly the connection is lost, the process continues. We simply reconnect to the server and run the “screen -x” command to enter the previous screen session
Extract and install Zimbra
cd /opt/ tar -xvf zcs-NETWORK-10.0.0_GA_4518.RHEL8_64.20230301065514.tgz cd zcs-NETWORK-10.0.0_GA_4518.RHEL8_64.20230301065514 ./install.sh -l /opt/ZCSLicense.xml
Here is an example of the process
Do you agree with the terms of the software license agreement? [N] y Use Zimbra's package repository [Y] Select the packages to install Install zimbra-ldap [Y] Y Install zimbra-logger [Y] Y Install zimbra-mta [Y] Y Install zimbra-dnscache [Y] N Install zimbra-snmp [Y] Y Install zimbra-store [Y] Y Install zimbra-apache [Y] Y Install zimbra-spell [Y] Y Install zimbra-convertd [Y] Y Install zimbra-memcached [Y] Y Install zimbra-proxy [Y] Y Install zimbra-archiving [N] Y Install chat and video features [N] Y Checking required space for zimbra-core Checking space for zimbra-store Checking required packages for zimbra-store MISSING: libreoffice MISSING: libreoffice-core ###WARNING### One or more suggested packages for zimbra-store are missing. Some features may be disabled due to the missing package(s). Installing: zimbra-core zimbra-ldap zimbra-logger zimbra-mta zimbra-snmp zimbra-store zimbra-apache zimbra-spell zimbra-convertd zimbra-memcached zimbra-proxy zimbra-archiving zimbra-license-tools zimbra-license-extension zimbra-network-store zimbra-modern-ui zimbra-modern-zimlets zimbra-zimlet-document-editor zimbra-zimlet-classic-document-editor zimbra-patch zimbra-mta-patch zimbra-proxy-patch zimbra-ldap-patch zimbra-zimlet-chat-video-classic zimbra-zimlet-chat-video-modern zimbra-extension-chat-video The system will be modified. Continue? [N] Y
Type Yes and enter the domain name when you encounter a process like the one below.
DNS ERROR resolving MX for mail.imanudin.web.id It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS Change domain name? [Yes] Yes Create domain: [mail.imanudin.web.id] imanudin.web.id
Type 6 then 4 to enter the admin password. Use a strong password. Once done, type r to enter the previous menu. Type a then Yes to continue the installation process until it is complete
Main menu 1) Common Configuration: 2) zimbra-ldap: Enabled 3) zimbra-logger: Enabled 4) zimbra-mta: Enabled 5) zimbra-snmp: Enabled 6) zimbra-store: Enabled +Create Admin User: yes +Admin user to create: admin@imanudin.web.id ******* +Admin Password UNSET +Anti-virus quarantine user: virus-quarantine.mrkd6tqvg@imanudin.web.id Address unconfigured (**) items (? - help) 6 Store configuration 1) Status: Enabled 2) Create Admin User: yes 3) Admin user to create: admin@imanudin.web.id ** 4) Admin Password UNSET 5) Anti-virus quarantine user: virus-quarantine.mrkd6tqvg@imanudin.web.id Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 4 Password for admin@imanudin.web.id (6 characters): [TYu1iM1mJ] AdminPassword Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] r Main menu 1) Common Configuration: 2) zimbra-ldap: Enabled 3) zimbra-logger: Enabled 4) zimbra-mta: Enabled --- skip --- *** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to apply Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) a Save configuration data to a file? [Yes] yes Save config in file: [/opt/zimbra/config.22122] Saving config in /opt/zimbra/config.22122...done. The system will be modified - continue? [No] yes Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup.20240204-104139.log Setting local config values... --- skip --- Finished installing network zimlets. Restarting mailboxd...done. Creating galsync account for default domain...done. Setting up zimbra crontab...done. Moving /tmp/zmsetup.20240204-104139.log to /opt/zimbra/log Configuration complete - press return to exit
Make sure Zimbra service is running after installation
with - zimbra zmcontrol status
[zimbra@mail ~]$ zmcontrol status Host mail.imanudin.web.id amavis Running antispam Running antivirus Running convertd Running ldap Running logger Running mailbox Running memcached Running mta Running opendkim Running proxy Running service webapp Running snmp Running spell Running stats Running zimbra webapp Running zimbraAdmin webapp Running zimlet webapp Running zmconfigd Running [zimbra@mail ~]$ zmcontrol -v Release 10.0.6.GA.4518.RHEL8_64.20230301065514 NETWORK edition.
Proses instalasi sudah selesai. Untuk akses webmail, silakan akses https://ip-address-email-server. Untuk akses Zimbra admin, cukup tambahkan port 7071 di akhir (https://ip-address-email-server:7071)

If you need information regarding Zimbra solutions (Installation and Implementation), you can contact the Excellent Team via the form: https://bluerack.com.bd/zimbra-mail-server/ or email to sales@bluerack.com.bd
Please try it and hopefully it will be useful